First Iranian national anthem

Salamati-ye Shah (Persian: سلامتی شاه, Translation: Health of the Shah) was the first national anthem of Persia (Iran). It was used from the time of Mozzafar al-Din Shah Qajar until 1933, when it was replaced by Sorood-e Shahanshahi Iran, which praised the Pahlavis. The music was composed by Persian military musician Bijan Taraqi who was asked by Kyman Soltanier, The leader of Melal Orchestra of Iran, to write a poem for the old national anthem. This new version of the anthem was performed in October 2005 by Melal Orchestra of Iran.

Some more information about the composition:

This Anthem, so as can you hear it below, is rearranged, recomposed and orchestrated by the Persian composer Siavash Beizai. Only the vocal parts of this hymn are derived from the original by J. B. Lemaire. There are also some harmonic and formal corrections in this piece. The Introduction, the middle part and the closing part are composed by Siavash Beizai too. After the great popularity of this Anthem, it has been increasingly misused by the official Iranian Radio and Television and the Government without any permission of the cocomposer Siavash Beizai.


New lyrics:

Persian Transliteration Translation
وطن ای هستی من Vatan ey hasti-e man Oh homeland, my life
شور و سرمستی من Shûr o sarmastî-e man My passion and my joy
جلوه کن در آسمان Jelve kon dar âsemân Show your face in the sky
همچو مهر جاودان Hamcho mehr-e jâvdân Like the immortal sun
بشنو سوز سخنم Besheno sûz-e sokhanam listen to the pain of my words
که هم‌آواز تو منم Ke ham âvaz-e to manam I am your companion, singing
همه‌ی جان و تنم Hame-ye jân o tanam All my body and soul
وطنم وطنم وطنم وطنم Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam My homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland
بشنو سوز سخنم Besheno sûz-e sokhanam Listen to the pain of my words
که نواگر این چمنم Ke navagar-e în chamanam I am the nightingale of this garden
همه‌ی جان و تنم Hame-ye jân o tanam All my body and soul
وطنم وطنم وطنم وطنم Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam Vatanam My homeland, my homeland,my homeland, my homeland
همه با یک نام و نشان Hame bâ yek nâm o neshân All with one name and symbol
به تفاوت هر رنگ و زبان Be tafâvot-e har rang o zabân With different colors and languages
همه با یک نام و نشان Hame bâ yek nâm o neshân All with one name and symbol
به تفاوت هر رنگ و زبان Be tafâvot-e har rang o zabân With different colors and languages
همه شاد و خوش و نغمه‌زنان Hame shâd o khosh o naghme zanân All cheerful, happy and singing
ز صلابت ایران جوان Ze salâbat-e Irân-e javân Because of the strength of young Iran
ز صلابت ایران جوان Ze salâbat-e Irân-e javân Because of the strength of young Iran
ز صلابت ایران جوان Ze salâbat-e Irân-e javân Because of the strength of young Iran

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